Timeless design

Palazzo Interiors

Interior design

Palazzo Interiors

Palazzo Interiors specializes in the interior architectural design of apartments, houses, offices, and public spaces. Our core activities include interior design consultations, project management, custom furniture design and sales, as well as the import of designer furniture. The Palazzo team consists of certified interior architects and designers. We are here to assist you with our expertise and network!

See our services

Estonians’ love for southern Europe

Estonians' love for southern Europe Estonians are an impressive nation. We are everywhere, and sometimes it seems like there are as many of us living abroad as within Estonia's borders. In recent months, due to geopolitics and the economic downturn, many... Read more

Interior design salons success story: Palazzos developments in the last 20 years

Creation of Palazzo Sisustussalong April 2004 was relatively warm compared to 2024. Two budding interior architects got into a car and drove to the capital to meet their first kitchen furniture client. They carried a brochure featuring photos of two kitchen... Read more

Chocolate, coffee and milk: a rich foundation for a timeless interior

In the world of timeless interior design, the quest for a space that speaks both of luxury and comfort is perpetual. The latest modern interior finds its voice in a palette that's as rich and inviting as a cup of... Read more

Arrital kitchen furniture – Italian design furniture influencer

Today's customer is faced with a difficult task, as the range of kitchen furniture on the market is very wide. Arrital should not be chosen by someone looking for kitchen cabinets. This furniture is suitable for homes where the kitchen... Read more

Office design should be cozy but productive!

For a long time, office hasn't been a place just for working. Especially as people can now work wherever and come together just to achieve a sense of unity and to meet with customers. But have we done everything to... Read more